Commentary: Xi's meeting with Ma injects positive energy to relations across Taiwan Strait

opinions2024-06-03 16:40:3797
(Xinhua) 08:01, April 12, 2024

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, meets with Ma Ying-jeou in Beijing, capital of China, April 10, 2024. (Xinhua/Ju Peng)

BEIJING, April 11 (Xinhua) -- The recent meeting of Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, with a Taiwan delegation led by Ma Ying-jeou has injected stability and positive energy into the relations across the Taiwan Strait.

Wednesday's meeting in Beijing marked the first time Xi had received Taiwan compatriots and delivered an important speech since the 20th CPC National Congress in late 2022.

The meeting took place amidst a complex and challenging situation in the Taiwan Strait. "Taiwan independence" separatists, in collusion with external forces, have made provocations to seek independence, further escalating tensions in the Strait.

Xi's speech, filled with deep affection and goodwill towards Taiwan compatriots, will surely further unite compatriots on both sides of the Strait to achieve national reunification.

Throughout its development journey, the Chinese nation has created a history demonstrating the inseparable connection between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Although the mainland and Taiwan are yet to be reunified, the fact that both belong to one China and one nation has never changed, and national reunification remains an irreversible trend.

Confronted with the activities of "Taiwan independence" separatists colluding with foreign forces to undermine the development of their shared homeland, every member of the Chinese nation must unite in resolve to oppose and crack down on such actions.

Compatriots across the Taiwan Strait should join hands to create a bright future of peaceful reunification, firmly holding the destiny of the Chinese nation in their own hands.

During the meeting, Xi emphasized that improving the well-being of people across the Strait is the driving force and objective behind efforts to advance cross-Strait relations.

He underscored the mainland's genuine sincerity and goodwill in benefiting Taiwan compatriots.

The mainland will continue enhancing systems and policies aimed at improving the well-being of Taiwan compatriots, maintaining its commitment to ensuring a better life for people on both sides of the Strait.

The mainland has always kept its doors open to Taiwan compatriots, actively fostering cross-Strait exchanges, interactions, and mutual understanding.

It also unites all sectors of Taiwan society for concerted efforts to eliminate political obstacles and facilitate normal and regular exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Recognizing the pivotal role of youth in advancing cross-Strait relations, the mainland will implement more vigorous policies and measures to facilitate the sound development and success of youth across the Taiwan Strait.

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